Past life regression

Consider if you will that the universe is infinite, this is yet to be proven or disproven.

But we can assure you that there is no ending to yourselves, your understanding of what you would call your journey of seeking or your perception of creation. That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is an infinite concept.

The Law of One…..

You yourself are the eternal energy which appears as the universe.

You don’t come into this world; you come out of it, like a wave from the ocean.

Allen Watts…….

stylized image of timestylized image of time

Past life regressions

Past life and life between lives regression sessions can help people with a variety of issues and questions.
Every human has a unique multiverse within, waiting to be discovered...

Click here for more information.

Intuitive life coaching

This is an intuitive approach to an individual’s life realization for better life style and self connection.
This therapy offers deep self exploration to help the client find him or herself.
It uncovers and heals traumas and blockages with the use of somatic therapy.

Click here for more information.

hands reaching for each otherhands reaching for each other

Energy Centers Alignment

Our vast universe and everything we know is made of energy, from the cellular level to the complexities of our thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Energy is always in a constant state of vibration, rising and falling, changing, manifesting and shifting. In our fast paced lives filled with stressors, distractions, and even at times disappointments, our bodies can feel drained and misaligned.

Click here for more information.

energy waveenergy wave
Person transmitting healing energy to another personPerson transmitting healing energy to another person

Behavioral pattern reprograming

There are multiple negative programs in our subconscious mind that as we grow older they become more difficult to remove at a conscious level.
For the most part negative behaviors rule our minds, creating tendencies that
become norms and habits in our daily lives. The conversations we have with ourselves, which sabotage our best intentions to succeed on something and or find life contentment.
This happens without us completely understanding a reason for certain behavioral
patterns that become part of our personality. For that, it is necessary to dig into the subconscious mind and breakdown those negative patterns.

Click here for more information.

Couples Counseling

Coming soon.

couple huggingcouple hugging
person contacting customer service
person contacting customer service

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about our services, feel free to contact us